In today’s materialistic society, charity is often seen as low priority. Not here at Giving Through Jewelry. Giving Through Jewelry gives to charity. Giving Through Jewelry is about giving back – paying it forward. I like so many people, have seen or gone through extreme tests that life has to offer- some less, some more- yet, I have been incredibly blessed by it’s gifts that life has to offer, to be here, to love and be loved by family and people in my life. So when you buy jewelry here, 10% of the proceeds go to a charity.
You can specify your charity of choice or the proceeds will automatically go to one of my preferred charities listed below. for a complete list go to Facebook or Etsy.
The reality is that the community we live in has a huge influence on us personally – it fosters safety, responsibility andsustainability – so it is important that we take our community seriously for the greater good of humanity and for our own personal benefit.
It is my honest belief that we should all help those less fortunate than ourselves – and trust me, if you have the resources to be able to read this article on-line, then there are lots of people out there who are less fortunate!Whether this help is financial through appropriate donations or through donating your time as a volunteer doesn’t really matter, but we should all feel some social responsibility to do something.