Featured Charity : EGALE

At Giving Through Jewelry 10% of all sales are donated to a charity of the buyers choice. We realize that there are a lot of charities to choose from so we would like to highlight some of our favorites. June’s featured charity is the Egale Canada Human Rights. Check out our FACEBOOK page at the beginning of each month to see how much was donated.

Founded in 1995, Egale Canada Human Rights Trust is Canada’s only national charity promoting lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans (LGBT) human rights through research, education and community engagement.


Their Vision

Egale’s vision is a Canada, and ultimately a world, without homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and all other forms of oppression so that every person can achieve their full potential, free from hatred and bias. 

Get Involved

Support Egale’s work to improve the lives of LGBTQI2S people in Canada and enhance the global response to LGBTQI2S issues by donating. With your help, Egale can achieve this by informing public policy, inspiring cultural change, and promoting human rights and inclusion through research, education, and community engagement.

[button style=”tbutton1″ button_default_color=”color1″ target=”_self” url=”https://donate.egale.ca/” text=”Volunteer”] [/button]


[button style=”tbutton1″ button_default_color=”color1″ target=”_self” url=”https://donate.egale.ca/” text=”Donate”] [/button]

Begin volunteering at Egale by registering with Kindness Connect

Know what Bill C-16 is. 

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