At Giving Through Jewelry, 10% of all sales are donated to a charity of the buyers choice. We realize that there are a lot of charities to choose from so we would like to highlight some of our favorites. This month’s featured charity is The National Coaliation Against Domestic Violence Check out our FACEBOOK page at the beginning of each month to see how much was donated.
Our Mission
The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV)’s mission is to lead, mobilize and raise our voices to support efforts that demand a change of conditions that lead to domestic violence such as patriarchy, privilege, racism, sexism, and classism. We are dedicated to supporting survivors and holding offenders accountable and supporting advocates.
About Us
We envision a national culture in which we are all safe, empowered and free from domestic violence.
NCADV’s Public Policy Office
The NCADV Public Policy Office collaborates with other national organizations to promote legislation
and policies that serve and protect victims and survivors of domestic violence, and we work to change
the narrative surrounding domestic violence.
We seek macro-level change in order to create a society in which domestic violence is never tolerated
or minimized, in which victims and survivors are respected, and in which service providers have the
resources to serve all victims and survivors.
Contact Us
If you are in crisis and are in need of immediate assistance, please call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).
Please know NCADV does not provide direct services; however, we are happy to refer you to
other resources that may be better able to assist you such as those found