
Cool breezes
Aspens flutter
mind at rest
birds are calling.


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This wrap is 3 complete wraps in one.

The first is of hand dyed, hand crochet cotton is various shades of a mountain meadow.
It is 4mm. wide and 22in., (56cm.) in length.
Metal is stainless steel and pure silver.

The 2nd wrap is of faceted Tourmalated Quartz.
Cleans out negative energy, and heals the spirit within.
This wrap measures 24in., (61cm.) in length.
This wrap measures 5mm. in width.
Metal used is sterling silver, pure silver and stainless steel.

The 3rd wrap is of hand crochet deep forest green hemp.
This wrap measures 3mm. in width and 22in., (56cm.) in length. It is adjustable.
There is a real river stone to use with your favorite aromatherapy oils.
Metals used are stainless steel and pure silver.

All together they create a mountain scene wrap.


Available on etsy

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